Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are caused by infections that are passed from one person to another during sex whether by vaginal, oral or anal intercourse.A lot of these infections often do not cause any symptoms. It is because of this many of these infections are silently passed on from partner to partner at times not knowing until later on when complications develop.
Sexually transmitted infections are very common. More than half of all of us will get one at some time in our lives There are also many kinds of sexually transmitted diseases and infections some of which cause very similar symptoms and some which are also totally asymptomatic. Some require very specific treatment while others do not. What is important is that if you suspect that you may have an infection and even if you don’t it is recommended that you get tested at least once per year.
We can protect ourselves and each other from contracting STDs. Practicing safer sex allows you to reduce your risk of getting sexually transmitted diseases. If you are about to commit to someone do the right thing and get tested first. If you’ve done anything that puts you at risk of infection, getting tested allows you to get the treatment that you may need.

Use the list below to find out more about each of the STI’s that we provide testing for.

Alexa Seleno