A grandparentage test establishes the biological relationship with a child and his grandparents. A grandparent DNA test is based on the fact that a child inherits half of his or her genetic profile from each biological parent. If one of a child’s parents is missing or deceased, the grandparents can be profiled to determine if they contributed to the child’s DNA profile. The results of this test will reveal whether or not the alleged grandparents are the true biological grandparents of the child.

Grandparent DNA testing is often initiated because of doubts about a missing or deceased alleged father’s paternity; therefore, most of these tests involve the participation of the alleged father’s biological parents. The participants of a grandparentage test must include the child and both grandparents on the father’s side. This is called a Paternal grandparentage test. The mother of the child is encouraged to participate as well.

With the mother’s DNA sample available, the laboratory can identify and eliminate her contribution to the child’s genetic profile. This will allow us to determine whether the paternal grandparents contributed any DNA to the child’s genetic profile.

We can still perform a grandparentage test if the child’s mother is unavailable for testing. Maternal grandparentage testing can also be performed with an alleged mother’s biological parents. This test is performed when a child’s alleged mother is not available for maternity testing.

Our Grandparentage test can exclude conclusively that the tested individuals are NOT the true paternal grandparents of the child. In such cases, the tested grandparents’ genes do not match the child’s genes on at least three markers. The average probability of grandparentage is normally in excess of 99% when the child and both alleged grandparents are tested.

The turnaround time for this test is 3-5 working days. This test can be used for personal or legal purposes.

Alternatively a Y STR test can be performed if the child is male and the grandfather is available on the alleged father’s side.

DNA and its use In Relationship Testing
DNA testing is based on the fact that we inherit half of our DNA from our father and half from our mother. Y STR DNA is passed on by males only and is the same along the paternal line. Mitochondrial DNA is passed on by females only to all her children.
Alexa Seleno