A more accurate test

Harmony is more accurate than traditional Down syndrome blood tests and much less likely to give a false-positive result. That means there will be much less chance your doctor would recommend follow-up testing, such as amniocentesis.

Harmony also tests for two other genetic conditions, trisomy 18 (Edward syndrome) and trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome).

In addition, with Harmony you have the option to evaluate X and Y sex chromosomes.

Non-invasive prenatal testing based on cell-free DNA analysis is not considered diagnostic. Once you have your Harmony test results, you can discuss your pregnancy care with your healthcare provider.

As early as 10 weeks

Harmony Prenatal Test requires a single blood draw. It can be done as early as 10 weeks or later in pregnancy.

New DNA-based technology

When you are pregnant, your blood contains fragments of your baby’s DNA.

Harmony Prenatal Test is a new type of test that analyzes DNA in a sample of your blood to predict the risk of Down syndrome (trisomy 21) and certain other genetic conditions.

While traditional blood tests can miss as many as 15% of Down syndrome cases in pregnant women, Harmony’s DNA-based technology accurately identifies more than 99% of cases.

Harmony is an accurate and reliable test that specifically targets the DNA in chromosomes 21, 18 and 13. While rare, these are the most common trisomies that occur in babies born to women of any age, when no other risk factors are known.

The Harmony screen is a diagnostic screen designed to replace the more common First trimester screen. While it it more accurate the other diagnostic screen positive must still be confirm using our QTRS Trisomy screen which is a confirmatory test for the different trisomies.

Test results for harmony is available in 7 to 10 business days


  1. How accurate is the Harmony Prenatal Test?

Harmony’s DNA-based technology correctly identifies Down syndrome in more than 99% of cases. By comparison, traditional blood tests can miss as many as 15% of Down syndrome cases in pregnant women. Harmony is also much less likely than traditional tests to give you a false-positive result, meaning there is much less chance your doctor would recommend follow-up invasive testing, such as amniocentesis.

  1. How does the Harmony test work?

When you are pregnant, your blood contains fragments of your developing baby’s DNA. Harmony Prenatal Test is a new type of test that analyzes DNA in a sample of your blood to predict the risk of Down syndrome (Trisomy 21) and other genetic conditions called Trisomy 18 and Trisomy 13.

  1. How is the Harmony test different from other blood tests for Down syndrome?

Harmony delivers clear answers as early as the first trimester with a single blood draw. Other commonly used tests for Down syndrome are performed later in pregnancy and require multiple office visits. Traditional 1st trimester serum screening tests are associated with a false-positive rate as high as 5%. Harmony uses a unique method of targeted DNA analysis that, combined with extensive quality controls, achieves over 99% accuracy and a false-positive rate less than 0.1%.

  1. Can the Harmony test also evaluate the X and Y sex chromosomes?

Yes, Harmony Prenatal Test includes the option to evaluate the number of X and Y sex chromosomes, if you ask your doctor to request this additional analysis.

  1. When can I take the Harmony test?

You can get the Harmony test with a simple blood draw as early as 10 weeks into your pregnancy, or any time later in pregnancy.

  1. How long does the Harmony test take?

Harmony is a simple blood test, so it only takes a couple of minutes o draw to sample at our office. In seven days to ten less will receive the results.

  1. How much does Harmony Prenatal Test cost?

The cost for the harmony test  is US$500. You may claim back on your insurance for this test.

   8. I’m expecting twins. Can I get the Harmony Prenatal Test?

Yes. Harmony can be used in twin pregnancies.

   9. I’m expecting a baby through IVF. Can I get the Harmony test?

Yes. In most cases, the Harmony test can be used in pregnancies conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF).

10.  Should I take the Harmony test if I am under 35?

The risk of Down syndrome in a pregnancy increases with maternal age, however, most cases occur in women who are under age 35. Harmony, a new type of DNA-based blood test, has been extensively validated in women both over and under 35.

A more accurate test for Downs syndrome
Harmony’s DNA-based technology correctly identifies Down syndrome in more than 99% of cases. By comparison, traditional blood tests can miss as many as 15% of Down syndrome cases in pregnant women. Harmony is also much less likely than traditional tests to give you a false-positive result, meaning there is much less chance your doctor would recommend follow-up invasive testing, such as amniocentesis.
Alexa Seleno